Artist Development Talk: How to Build Your Fan Base as an Indie Artist. - Bobo Records Plug

Submitted by JugoAzul on July 16th, 2013 The Independent Artist realm is a unique one. Very much different from the mainstream, it requires a totally different yet similar process when it comes to being successful. Many artists who are in the indie realm would agree that one of the most difficult parts of the industry would be gaining fans and followers. This is a feat for anyone who puts faith in social networks to build their image and communicate. A lot of the artists that I work with always come to me asking “How can I build my audience and fan base”? I simply tell them, “Go Do it!” You have to be proactive when it comes to getting fans and followers. Also, I tell them to “when in Rome…” and you know the rest. There is nothing wrong with “mocking” someone’s campaign if it is working for YOU. For example, you can’t be a gospel singer, trying to promote yourself the way a Hardcore Hip Hop artist is. Here are a few pointers and tips for BASIC fan growth that if patient and proactive can build your fan base and audience. - First always use the SAME NAME for your social networks and websites. Why, because for one, you don’t want to confuse your audience with 6 different websites with 6 different names. Secondly you want to be easily accessible not only to your fans and audience, but to search engines and sites like Google, or Google search ran sites. The higher you rank in these search engines the more likely you are to get a click an a listen, and if your material is good, a new fan. - Second, make sure you engage your potential fans. If you know you are a rock artist, find indie sites where you can sign up and communicate with others on the site. You should communicate with artists and listeners alike, and make your presence known. Treat it as if you are at a mixer where you meet people face to face, message people tell them who you are and where they can find your music, but make sure you are genuine with it, not robotic. Talk to them, joke around and laugh, share some experiences, share music! - Third, Use the tools everyone else is using! Why try and be different when being different only sets you apart from everyone else. This is one time where you want to be part of the group, if everyone is using Myspace to promote certain things, then use Myspace, its not necessary for you to do the same type of music or anything, its just smart marketing and branding. Why would you go and promote your music videos on Facebook, and not Youtube if you see everyone is posting their videos to Youtube? Don’t set yourself up for failure, set yourself up to succeed with everyone else. - Find your “Thing”. When I say find your thing, that means find your “It Factor” what is it that you do that draws people to check you and your music out? Ill give you an example, this young man Cameron J on Youtube is not a mainstream artist, but more of a Youtube sensation. He gains his fans by powerful advertising, as well as great presentation that is completely original. You can see that he is very dedicated to what he does, he posts a new video every Wednesday, whether it is a real song, or a parody. The Parodies are his “It Factor”. He is known for his parodies and covers which are shared over and over on Youtube and other social networks. He is energetic, as well as innovative using all the technology he uses to his advantage. If you take your time and put together your plan, you can be just as successful. These are just a few tips, some of the most important, but certainly not all. If you need more artist development tips you can definitely follow me and ask me on Twitter. @JugoAzul
