What is the #1 rule a Music Producer must follow, in order to make sure that they can get a decent size advance, and also be set up for a back-end royalty? Professional advice from Dina Andrews Management: The #1 rule is to remember to say, "You can call my manager!" Producer advances are based on a number of different variables: 1. The budget allotted for the particular project the producer is producing. 2. The producer's past and present success. 3. The ability to make a record that will sell through to produce income. It is best to have someone who knows what is going on behind the scenes at record companies, and someone who understands your value, to negotiate on your behalf. So do not try to negotiate your own deals! Having proper representation is very important when it comes to the fine print of a contract and its interpretation. If you remember that an advance is just that, and whatever monies are advanced will be recouped before you see any royalties, you may be more inclined to think about how much of an advance you seek. If the money is there because you're producing an established artist, then fine. But if the money is not there, and you have a passion for the project, or want to do a friend a favor...don't worry about the advance; just make sure you have an agreement in writing for your future royalties. More at: www.boborecords.com
