TIPS ON HOW TO BECOME MORE SUCCESSFUL WITH YOUR MUSIC If we could bottle the magic that all time greats, then that would be a nice little pill for us all to take on the road to becoming pro at this music marketing stuff. Talent, charisma, charm, danger, influence, leader. You should have a strong grasp on how to communicate with people. Ability to tell a history, and talk about god without being a preacher. Motivated on how much you love your family and talk about the time you started having a jam session . Uncommon Talent + Personality = Superstar How You Can Use this Equation to touch People With Your Words�Not in a Perverted Way As a music marketer connecting with your fans by email, you need to be able to use words like a magic wand that communicates this talent and personality to the world. The best way to learn good online communication is to find someone who you think writes well, and then model their style. After a while you will find that your words have much more impact and the potential to reach a mass market. For the rest of this article I'm going to give you some advice on how you can start to make your emails more effective. Be a Storyteller People don't just want to hear that your new album is coming out next week. They want to hear how the bass player nearly died when you crashed the tour bus, or about the singer crowd surfing 4000 people at your latest show.
